El Día de Reposo

Hola hola,

Its been a great week in Recreo. This week we were able to have a lot more lessions and help a few of our investigators really move along. We have also really increased our work with the members and had more lessons with members than without. Having a local member of the Church in a lesson is great because then the investigators can have a friend in the Church who is a normal person (not a missionary) and who wont be leaving in a few more months (like the missionaries).

The title of my email is "The Day of Rest" which refers to what we call the Sabbath Day in english, or Sunday. Yesterday was a really great Sunday and I definitely enjoyed Church. In Isaiah 58:13-14 it says:

If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, fromdoing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath adelight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:
 Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth

The Sabbath day should be a delight for us each week. It is an opportunity from God to rest from our labors and feel the spirit. Yesterday I tried to really get a good experience from Church and focus myself. Also, we had a really great investigator named Belen in Church and she had an awesome experience. For all of our investigators we are supposed to plan who will bring them to church, who will welcome them, and who will sit with them. Yesterday we had three different members do those three tasks, and it was super great. When we work with the members, the work moves along way better. 

So everything is going well here, and we are seeing lots of blessings. Also my predicition of Chile vs USA in the Copa America final is still alive. Go USA!

Elder Richards

​Elder Silva y yo


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