
Hola hola,

Its been an interesting week here in Recreo. We have spent a lot of time, but really a LOT of time, contacting this week, trying to find new people. We have a few solid investigators, but by some reason or another, we only ended up teaching 3 lessons this whole week (when about 10 is average). I dont know if it was a lack of planning or just the way things had to work out, but we didnt get a lot of teaching in this week. Strangely enough, the week still went by pretty quickly. Elder Silva is a great missionary, and we had a good attitude the whole week, and worked hard. In all aspects of our lives, God blesses us after the trial of our faith. We are already seeing blessings, as we had a great lesson with an investigator yesterday, and have three solid lessons planned for tonight. 

In the Book of Mormon in Ether 12:6 it says

I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.

This applies to all aspects of our life. (For example, good grades come after studying.) After we are tried and have to put in the work, we receive blessings. I know that God follows through on all of His promises, including this one.

Also this week we had Zone Conference in the mission home. It was the last conference we will have with Presidente y Hermana Warne, because they finish their mission in two weeks. It is sad that they are leaving, but it will be very interesting to have a new mission president. Presidente Warne shared a scripture in DyC 76:12 that I liked

By the power of the Spirit our eyes were opened and our understandings were enlightened, so as to see and understand the things of God—

In the mission we are really separated from the world and we focus more time on the spiritual things. Sometimes I would like to be spending my time watching the US dominate the Copa America, but I know that the work that I am doing right now is more important. Things of the world do matter, but things of God matter more, and with the power of the Spirit we can notice those a little bit more. Each one of you can pray to your Heavenly Father in any momemnt and understand more the things of God.

Have a great week!

Elder Richards 

On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 7:08 PM, Brian Richards <> wrote:
Hola hola,

Its been an interesting week here in Recreo. We have spent a lot of time, but really a LOT of time, contacting this week, trying to find new people. We have a few solid investigators, but by some reason or another, we only ended up teaching 3 lessons this whole week (when about 10 is average). I dont know if it was a lack of planning or just the way things had to work out, but we didnt get a lot of teaching in this week. Strangely enough, the week still went by pretty quickly. Elder Silva is a great missionary, and we had a good attitude the whole week, and worked hard. In all aspects of our lives, God blesses us after the trial of our faith. We are already seeing blessings, as we had a great lesson with an investigator yesterday, and have three solid lessons planned for tonight. 

In the Book of Mormon in Ether 12:6 it says


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