Un Barrio

Hola hola de Rancagua,

Hope that you have all had a great week. I am enjoying my new sector and being with my new companion, Elder Silva. He only has about 2 months in the mission, but already is a great missionary. He is super humble and always asking me for advice and how he is doing with teaching and other things, and I am happy to be able to help him out. He is from Brazil so sometimes the spanish and the portuguese mix up a bit, but thats okay haha. Since we are in training, we have an extra hour in the morning to study where I can help teach Elder Silva from a program for new missionaries. I have enjoyed teaching him, and hope that it helps.

As for our sector, its pretty great too. It is way different than all my other sectors, because we are in the heart of the city. That means that a lot of people have tougher attitudes and tell us straight up that they dont want anything (and often not too nicely..) But as it says in DyC 4:4 "the field is white already to harvest." So as the Lord promises, there are people here waiting for our message too. One of those people is Leonor, an investigator here. This week we taught her about the Word of Wisdom (because she asked) and she completely accepted it and accepted a baptismal date. We invited her to church and she said she would come. So yesterday we passed by and she came with us to church! She really liked it and had a great time. We are pretty excited about her and a few other investigators.

It was weird to be in a big ward yesterday with lots of people. And it is still weird to be in the city. My first night here, I kept saying to my comp "Wow there are so many cars, and noise, and people" haha. But I am having a great time here. It has been getting pretty cold, and rained a few days last week. Being from Brazil and Florida, Elder Silva and I do not like that. But such it is.

Have a great week!

Elder Richards


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