Viva Chile!

Hola hola,

Its been a pretty good week here in Recreo, and this next week should be interesting.

We have a few investigators progressing really well, and we are excited to work with them. Last week I talked about Belen who went to Church for the first time. She couldnt go this week because he son was sick, but she did go to a ward activity on Saturday (where us missionaries sung a very embarassing arrangement), and loved it. All the members are befriending her and offering to bring her to church, etc. Her husband works a lot in a gym and for O´Higgins FC (the soccer team here), so we dont know him yet, but he is interested in hearing our message and we are going to start teaching him too. We are really excited for their family and their potential.

Tomorrow our mission president, President Warne, finishes his mission and heads back home. President Harris will be our new mission president. It should be interesting to see what changes will happen. This Saturday we will have a conference and interviews with him. In two weeks more we have changes again, so he will have a lot of decisions to make. Should be interesting.

Also this Friday, I turn 1 year in the mission. It is really hard to believe that I am halfway through the mission. I feel like I am pretty old in the mission, but also I have a lot of time left. It is passing really fast, but I am happy with the work I am doing. Next wekk I write more about the year-mark.

And as you should know, Chile won the Copa America! CHI CHI CHI LE LE LE. The entire city erupted in cheers as they won the cup last night.

- Elder Richards


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