
Hola hola,

It has been another very fast week. Usually I sit down to write every week and have to think pretty deeply about what we actually did.. We have had a lot of work to do in the office this week. Nothing too exciting, mostly lots of paperwork, but I am used to it and enjoy our job. Next week we will be doing lots of visa work, and doing a bit of traveling. On Monday, the Christiansens (a senior couple) will be going home, which will be a sad farewell. 

In our sector, we have a good investigator named Maria. She met with the missionaries about four years ago and is receptive to hear us again. Something really cool that happened is that we had an appointment with her and when we went there she had a friend over visiting. When most people have visits over they kindly tell the missionaries to come back another day. But, she invited us in and we taught her and her friend, who was also very interested! We invited them to church and both of them were kind of iffy, but then they agreed that they would accompany each other! Great. So tonight we will visit them and hopefully they can come to church tomorrow.

This week we also visited Carina and Camilo, the recent converts. They have really been passing through a rough time gospel-wise and havent been coming to Church recently. We had a good discussion with Camilo and he is going to come back to Church tomorrow! Something sad is that this week they will also be moving to San Fernando. I have been here with them in basically their whole journey in the Church and it is sad that they will be moving (somehow before I will haha). But I think it will be a good change for them, and I will make sure the missionaries support them over there.

So those are just some things that happened this week. The six of us in the office really have good unity this transfer and we are all working well together. Hopefully we can keep it up!

Have a great week!

Elder Richards


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