Impossible is Not a Word

You can do anything you want, you can be anything you want. Impossible is not a word to describe what you want to do. With faith, nothing can hold you back. Your dreams can be realized no matter what they entail. Faith in the Lord provides His assistance, and to Him anything is possible. I think impossible is actually two words, “I’m possible.” I’m here and I’m possible. I’m a complex being; my body operates many procedures to keep me alive. I’m possible, so anything that I desire is possible. I could change the world, change others, change myself, or do anything in my desires. So next time you are faced with a daunting task, remember that it’s not impossible because “I’m possible.” If impossibility restricted everyone, the amazing world we have today would not be here. I’m possible and nothing is impossible.

(Title from "What Faith can Do" by Scott Krippayne


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