A Chosen Generation

            It seems like at this time in history, it’s the worst it could ever be. Immorality is laced into almost every source of entertainment, and living your standards is harder than ever. Sometimes it just feels like the whole world is going against you. But you know what? I wouldn’t want to live in any other time. The youth of the world were chosen to come at this time; it’s no accident. But sometimes you feel like you’re dirt, maybe even less than dirt. Why would God save you for this time? Because you’re not dirt! The capacity of your faith is tremendous. The huge amount of sin and evil around you calls for an equally large amount of faith, and you came to the earth at this time because you can handle it. When we gathered at EFY this past week, our session director complimented our tremendous faith. Our area is one of the roughest places to live righteously, our schools have a handful of Mormons, and morals are hard to find. But because we are faced with such hardships, we have grown stronger in the faith. It wasn’t enough to rely on those that have gone before us, everyone has to choose the right or succumb to evil. And we are the chosen generation; we have the capacity to choose the right no matter what is placed before you. So don’t mourn because you live in tough times, rejoice because you do! Find good friends that live your standards and live those standards always. You will be happy. These are happy times. Don’t ever forget that.


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