I love to see the Temple

Today I had the opportunity to go to the Temple and do baptisms for the dead. I've been many times, considering the fact that it is over 200 miles away, so in some visits the Spirit has not been felt as strongly. In the Temple, there can be a lot of waiting around with seemingly nothing to do, and the time seems trivial. However, today I put this time to use. Instead of sitting around or talking with friends I decided to open up the Book of Mormon and read some chapters that I find special and important. This included 3 Nephi 27 and Alma 38, two chapters that I hold dear for various reason. The spirit that fills the Temple enlightened my mind with new understanding and conviction to hold true to the teachings of the Lord. The peace that came because of this simple reading has really brightened my day and strengthened my armor of righteousness. I'm not a perfect person, I have my struggles whether you can see them or not, so this Spirit felt today has helped me. So I challenge you to feel this same Spirit. If you are currently not able to go to the Temple, do whatever is needed to gain the ability to go. If you can go, don't squander your next visit. Use your time to connect with the Spirit and be able to be enlightened by it. It is definitely worth it.

I love to see the Temple, I'll go inside someday. To feel the Holy Spirit, to listen and to pray...


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