Serve your fellow man

A key aspect of being happy is making others happy. And what better way to do that than to serve others? When you serve others you feel good about what you're doing. You're giving up your own time to help someone in need. Service is essential! It is often thought of as boring or old-fashioned, but service can be fun! If you love to sing or play music, write someone a song. If your writing is spectacular, write a heartfelt note to those you love. If you love to make things, use your abilities to make something for a friend. Whatever it is that you're doing, do it with love. Service can lift the spirits of others and yourself. In the Lord's ministry on earth he stated that the second commandment was to love your fellow man as yourself.  Treat everyone with kindness and love, just as the Savior would. That is a great act of service. Some people in the world have unforeseen trials and tragedies, some have very apparent trials. Either way, a simple act of love would surely brighten their day. As a young Cub Scout, we were taught to do a good turn daily, and we still are taught that in Boy Scouts. So never let a day pass by without serving someone in some way. You will be happier. If you only think about yourself in this life, who will think about you when you pass on to the next?


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