
Showing posts from September, 2011


You are a Child of God, but so is everyone right? Well the difference between you and everyone else is that you know you are a Child of God, you have knowledge about your divine nature and your eternal parenthood. So you know how important your life really is. With your knowledge comes the requirement of a higher standard, a rising above. A prime example of this higher standard is Captain Moroni of the Book of Mormon. Mormon describes Moroni by saying "if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever..." (Alma 44:17) Pretty powerful stuff right there. Moroni is probably my favorite person in the Book of Mormon, his faith was incredible. Under the shadow of Amalickiah's plan to seize kingship, Moroni stood tall and raised his standards- literally. Upon his garment he wrote "In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children." (Alma 46:12) Then


Hey remember this post post about changing your life? If you don't you better read it! Anyway, I was serious in that post. If you're not completely happy with your life, sit down right now and write ten ways to improve your life. That's what I did! But this brings up the question, how do I change my life? There's this program at Church where we learn things then we act upon them. So start by learning what you need to do. The ability to change your life probably isn't found in a textbook, but it can be found from men and women who are very close to God. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (aka Mormon) has many men and women like this, and they speak to the members of the Church twice a year for one weekend. Their messages are inspired directly from God himself. The words radiate with power and joy. Even if you're not a Mormon, try to listen to some of these speakers. Whether you believe they are Prophets and Apostles or not, they still have a sensibl

One of those Days

Just one of those days, right? Where it's not bad, but not particularly good either. Sometimes it seems like you are so inspired at Church and home, and you wouldn't do any wrong. Then you get to school and somehow you sink back in with all the rest. In the Sacramental prayers each week, we promis to always remember Him. So that's what we need to do. Always put Christ at the center of your life, and you will not fall. Do whatever you need to do to help you remember him. Maybe put a sticky note in your pocket or make your phone background Church related. Whatever it is, if you always remember Christ and His Church, you will have the power to remain righteous and strong wherever you go. Have a great day!

Back to the Basics

Life is a pretty complicated thing, and sometimes we get caught up in it. We begin to shift value from some aspects of our life to others. This shifting is sometimes a good ting, making important things become clear, but more often than not, we get caught up in life and place importance on things of little or no worth. Little things that have almost no eternal value are magnified to extreme proportions and take up the bulk of our time, while the simple things such as Scripture study and Prayer are pushed aside, and ultimately forgotten. Go back to the basics: read your Scriptures, Pray, spend time with your family, laugh with friends, and just follow the Lord. You were taught all these things since you were a child. So if these were the things you have been taught your whole life, wouldn't it make sense that they are the most important? Make time for these things everyday in your life, they will make you who you want to be.

Okay kids

Okay Kids, my old blog URL was not flying so is THE NEW URL! SPREAD THE WORD!!!


If you work with fish, you probably smell like fish. Or probably deodorant... But anyway, if you spend time with jerks, you're probably a jerk. Your friends are so important in your life. They're those kids that text you when you're feeling down. The kids that laugh so hard at you sometimes, but you just can't seem to be mad at them. The kids that want you to move out to Utah just to be with them. The kids that set goals with you to read Scriptures and serve everyday. The kids that leave notes on your bulletin board. The kids that share a secret lingo with you. Yeah, those are your friends. They're always there for you. Mine are always there for me, and I love them so much. But you know who my best friend is? Jesus the Christ. He's my older brother, and He will always love me, and always be there for me. And I love Him for that.

Change your Life

Do it. Change your entire life. Decide right now on what you can do to become a better person. Do it, and don't tell me there's nothing you can change because there is. Nobody is perfect, even people you think are. Drop your friends, write a book, delete your Facebook account, I don't care. Just do it, don't get stuck in a rut where you're wasting your days away. Don't depend on someone else. Don't do something that you don't want to do. Life is too short for things like that. So pick yourself up, and brush the dirt off of your shoulder. You've got a life to live and a purpose to fulfill! You are not an accident, you are not a creation of evolution. You are a Child of God. A literal descendant of the most might being in the universe. Live your life, that's all there really is too it kids. Be the best you can be, and live your life every second.

I'm not perfect.

I'm not perfect. I don't know everything. I don't even know most things. I have my flaws, and I stumble and fall. I make people sad, annoyed, or anything else. I'm just a human. But I'm not perfect, and I know it, and that's not going to bring me down. Because my imperfection doesn't make me wrong, it makes me who I am. If I wasn't striving to follow the Lord and His will, I wouldn't be me. I'm not a follower of Satan, I don't want all the answers to be handed to me. I'm a follower of Christ, and I want to make my own path with His help. If it wasn't for trials and adversity, life would be boring, and we wouldn't grow. I heard a quote somewhere, it goes something like this: "I'm glad God loves me enough to tear me down and bring me up again." If we didn't face sorrow or have pain, we would never grow enough to have joy. So I'm not perfect, and neither are you, but embrace your imperfections and perfect them,


Life is short. And it can change so much in such a little time. A thought that you convinced yourself to believe could be proved a fallacy the next day. Of course, some things such as the trueness of the Church or the existence of God are always true, but other things aren't. Other thoughts in your mind are placed there by your own imagination or by others, and you begin to accept those thoughts as truth. But, one day the truth will shine forth, and it will be undeniable. Don't be led astray by the temptations of the world. Don't ever convince yourself of an untruth. In the end it will only bring sorrow, when reality is realized. Learn and seek things by the Spirit, to receive revelation on what is true. The Lord hasn't put you in the dark, He has given you the Spirit for a reason, so use it. Use it in anything you are unsure of to find an answer. And be patient, because answers don't always come immediately, but they do come.

Be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord.

The title of this post is referenced in the Scriptures four time: DC 133:5, 3 Nephi 20:41, DC 38:42, and Isaiah 52:11. Just the number of references testifies of it's importance. Those who hold the Priesthood are those that hold the vessels of the Lord, and we must be clean at all times. In any time, we may be called upon to exercise the power given us from God. If you were called right now, would you be ready? Have you conquered lingering sins, that ye may be worthy to act in God's name? If you have not, become worthy today. Live better and be better so that ye may live in harmony with the Priesthood of God. It is a very real thing and has immense power, don't let it escape from you. Never become caught in a position where you are unable to use your Priesthood because of grave sin. And even if you do not have the Priesthood, always be worthy. You never know what responsibility you will be given. This video explains it perfectly, please take a few minutes on this Sabbath af

We are the Future

The adults of this world are the present. They used to be the future, but now their time has come, and now we are the future. You and I are the ones that will build- or break- this world that we have. The thought of the weight of the world resting on our shoulders is immense. How can the teenagers in this world shape it for the better? It seems as if there is no hope. Well there is hope. This weekend I went to a nerd robotics competition. High school kids making robots to compete, seems like a pretty simple thing, but really it's a testament to the bright future ahead. Creativity is not dead, the desire to build something better is still alive. We have the ability to make something new and better, so don't let the world get you down, instead bring up the world yourself.

Day to Day

Sometimes we just go through everyday doing the same things, going through the motions, and life seems boring. But maybe life isn't so boring after all, maybe it's just our perspective. Maybe we don't appreciate the little things enough, and we're always looking for some grand thing to brighten our day. If we just looked at those little things, our days might be a little bit brighter. If we gave more appreciation to ice cream you get at lunch, or the kid who picked up your books when you dropped them, or your friend who texted you, or any other thing. If we were more thankful for these things, life would be a lot better. I know this girl who has all the reason in the world to be sorrowful and down. Her entire life has completely changed within the last year. She's also an excellent writer. And through her writing, you can see that she doesn't let life get her down. She appreciates the little things like rain, or people coming over to visit, or going to Wal-Mart

We still stand.

On this day ten years ago, two towers fell. Terrorists shattered the safety of our country with the falling of two towers on American soil. Their intent must have been to split this country apart; to cause a feeling of vulnerability and split the very nation's people. But ten years ago, two towers fell, and today, we still stand. We stand as one nation under God, a people united in the cause of justice and truth. Our political atmosphere appears to be divided, but when you break it down we are all Americans. Times of distress don't strain us, but they make us stronger. We come together and we never forget. Let the world come at us, we will stand for truth and courage. We will unite. On this tenth anniversary of 9.11 my street became cluttered with flags and ribbons displayed outside homes. This alone is a testament to the fact that we're still here and nothing will stop us as Americans.


What would you do in the last hour of your life? For many people, the last hour started ten years ago early this morning. It started just as any hour had probably started for them, the beginning of a days work at the World Trade Center. But as time progressed it ended much differently. At 8:46 AM flight 11 crashed into the North tower. Minutes later at 9:03 flight 175 crashed into the South tower. The minutes of life were ticking down as people scrambled to action. Ordinary citizens put on the persona of courage and helped their fellow-man. They put their own lives aside to assist others. Their clock was ticking and many of them probably realized that, but they felt no remorse or pain. They were living the last hour, their time had come, and they were living it the way they should. Their true characters and personalities came out as they became heroes. "Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend." You might not know when your last hour will c


Remember when you were a kid and the most common word that exited your mouth was "why?" Well it seems like many teenagers also commonly spout the question "Why?" But now they have more intellect and use complete sentences, such as "Why can't I date before I'm 16?" or "Why can't I go out on Sunday?" or "Why can't I curse?" I'd like to categorize such questions into the "Why can't I?" category. Questions such as this begin with those three words and end with a seemingly over bearing or impossible rule or commandment. But to all these "Why can't I?"'s I counter with a Why would you? Why would you ever want to do something that would compromise your chances of eternal life? Seeming pleasure of doing as the world does is idiotic and pointless. Following the world's ways will only further you from the one goal that matters in this life- to live with God again for eternity. So whenever yo

The Sun Rises Every Morning

There a few things that can never be taken back. One is time, another is thoughts. The only time you own is this exact moment. Now that moment is gone and you're onto another one. Once a moment is gone, it's gone forever. It can be reflected upon, talked about, thought of, but it can never be re-used. Another thing that can never be taken back is your thoughts, once a thought crossed your mind, it happened. And it becomes another moment in time, that cannot be changed. Sometimes we don't use our time wisely, or have the thoughts we desire to attain. Sometimes we get sucked into some mindless activity and can't seem to break the bonds, or we become polluted in the head from the filthiness around us. But don't dwell on what happened, dwell on what can happen. Bad days come, sometimes even bad weeks or months, but through it all the sun will rise every single morning. With the rising sun comes an opportunity to be different everyday. Yesterday might have been less than