Back to the Basics

Life is a pretty complicated thing, and sometimes we get caught up in it. We begin to shift value from some aspects of our life to others. This shifting is sometimes a good ting, making important things become clear, but more often than not, we get caught up in life and place importance on things of little or no worth. Little things that have almost no eternal value are magnified to extreme proportions and take up the bulk of our time, while the simple things such as Scripture study and Prayer are pushed aside, and ultimately forgotten. Go back to the basics: read your Scriptures, Pray, spend time with your family, laugh with friends, and just follow the Lord. You were taught all these things since you were a child. So if these were the things you have been taught your whole life, wouldn't it make sense that they are the most important? Make time for these things everyday in your life, they will make you who you want to be.


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