
What would you do in the last hour of your life? For many people, the last hour started ten years ago early this morning. It started just as any hour had probably started for them, the beginning of a days work at the World Trade Center. But as time progressed it ended much differently. At 8:46 AM flight 11 crashed into the North tower. Minutes later at 9:03 flight 175 crashed into the South tower. The minutes of life were ticking down as people scrambled to action. Ordinary citizens put on the persona of courage and helped their fellow-man. They put their own lives aside to assist others. Their clock was ticking and many of them probably realized that, but they felt no remorse or pain. They were living the last hour, their time had come, and they were living it the way they should. Their true characters and personalities came out as they became heroes. "Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend." You might not know when your last hour will come but live every hour as if it was the last. Live the way you know you should be, because that is what people will remember you by. Be a hero and live to the fullest every single day, every single hour, and every single minute that you're alive.


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