
Life is short. And it can change so much in such a little time. A thought that you convinced yourself to believe could be proved a fallacy the next day. Of course, some things such as the trueness of the Church or the existence of God are always true, but other things aren't. Other thoughts in your mind are placed there by your own imagination or by others, and you begin to accept those thoughts as truth. But, one day the truth will shine forth, and it will be undeniable. Don't be led astray by the temptations of the world. Don't ever convince yourself of an untruth. In the end it will only bring sorrow, when reality is realized. Learn and seek things by the Spirit, to receive revelation on what is true. The Lord hasn't put you in the dark, He has given you the Spirit for a reason, so use it. Use it in anything you are unsure of to find an answer. And be patient, because answers don't always come immediately, but they do come.


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