
If you work with fish, you probably smell like fish. Or probably deodorant... But anyway, if you spend time with jerks, you're probably a jerk. Your friends are so important in your life. They're those kids that text you when you're feeling down. The kids that laugh so hard at you sometimes, but you just can't seem to be mad at them. The kids that want you to move out to Utah just to be with them. The kids that set goals with you to read Scriptures and serve everyday. The kids that leave notes on your bulletin board. The kids that share a secret lingo with you. Yeah, those are your friends. They're always there for you. Mine are always there for me, and I love them so much. But you know who my best friend is? Jesus the Christ. He's my older brother, and He will always love me, and always be there for me. And I love Him for that.


  1. Thanks for being such a good influence on all of your friends, Brian! You're the best!


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