Be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord.

The title of this post is referenced in the Scriptures four time: DC 133:5, 3 Nephi 20:41, DC 38:42, and Isaiah 52:11. Just the number of references testifies of it's importance. Those who hold the Priesthood are those that hold the vessels of the Lord, and we must be clean at all times. In any time, we may be called upon to exercise the power given us from God. If you were called right now, would you be ready? Have you conquered lingering sins, that ye may be worthy to act in God's name? If you have not, become worthy today. Live better and be better so that ye may live in harmony with the Priesthood of God. It is a very real thing and has immense power, don't let it escape from you. Never become caught in a position where you are unable to use your Priesthood because of grave sin. And even if you do not have the Priesthood, always be worthy. You never know what responsibility you will be given. This video explains it perfectly, please take a few minutes on this Sabbath afternoon to watch it.



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