Change your Life

Do it. Change your entire life. Decide right now on what you can do to become a better person. Do it, and don't tell me there's nothing you can change because there is. Nobody is perfect, even people you think are. Drop your friends, write a book, delete your Facebook account, I don't care. Just do it, don't get stuck in a rut where you're wasting your days away. Don't depend on someone else. Don't do something that you don't want to do. Life is too short for things like that. So pick yourself up, and brush the dirt off of your shoulder. You've got a life to live and a purpose to fulfill! You are not an accident, you are not a creation of evolution. You are a Child of God. A literal descendant of the most might being in the universe. Live your life, that's all there really is too it kids. Be the best you can be, and live your life every second.


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