The Sun Rises Every Morning

There a few things that can never be taken back. One is time, another is thoughts. The only time you own is this exact moment. Now that moment is gone and you're onto another one. Once a moment is gone, it's gone forever. It can be reflected upon, talked about, thought of, but it can never be re-used. Another thing that can never be taken back is your thoughts, once a thought crossed your mind, it happened. And it becomes another moment in time, that cannot be changed. Sometimes we don't use our time wisely, or have the thoughts we desire to attain. Sometimes we get sucked into some mindless activity and can't seem to break the bonds, or we become polluted in the head from the filthiness around us. But don't dwell on what happened, dwell on what can happen. Bad days come, sometimes even bad weeks or months, but through it all the sun will rise every single morning. With the rising sun comes an opportunity to be different everyday. Yesterday might have been less than average, but today is unwritten and you can attain what you desire concerning thoughts and time. Don't ever go a day where you don't become better and be better! Do everything you need to do, read your Scriptures, pray, serve, study, ponder, and everything else! Because each time we lose a moment to the past, we come one moment closer to the Second Coming. So are you using each moment to become better, and become worthy of the Second Coming? Because thats all that really matters. Fitting into the crowd, wasting time on the computer, listening to bad music, watching bad movies, none of that is going to matter when the Second Coming happens. Only eternal life is of vital importance to your life, so make it your first priority.


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